Reducing Screen Time to 3 Hours per Week May Improve Children’s Mental Health



A team of psychologists and mental health specialists from Denmark, in collaboration with a colleague from the United Kingdom, has found that reducing children’s screen time to just three hours per week can significantly improve their mental health. Their study, published in the journal JAMA Network Open, involved a randomized clinical trial with 89 families, encompassing 181 children from 10 different cities in Denmark.

The researchers aimed to explore whether limiting screen time would positively affect mental health, and if so, how quickly these changes might occur. Prior research has indicated that extended use of electronic devices, whether for watching movies, engaging in social media, or playing video games, is associated with mental health issues such as antisocial behavior and emotional difficulties.

The study utilized the “Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire” to assess the children’s social skills, general behavior, emotional stability, and overall mental health. Initially, all children were tested, and then 45 families were asked to restrict their children’s screen time to just three hours per week, excluding school-related usage. To ensure compliance, video monitors were installed in the participants’ homes for two weeks.

After this period, the children were retested using the same questionnaire. The results showed significant improvements in social skills, including reductions in behavioral problems and better emotional management.

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