Indian Military Presence Raises Concerns Ahead of Jammu and Kashmir Elections



The upcoming elections in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, set for September 18, 2024, are under intense scrutiny due to the overwhelming presence of Indian military forces in the region. With approximately 800,000 troops stationed across the area, questions are being raised about the impact on the democratic process.

The revocation of Article 370 in 2019, which stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its special status, has already led to widespread criticism. Many argue that this move, along with subsequent changes, is part of a broader strategy to reshape the region’s electoral and demographic landscape, potentially undermining the right to self-determination for Kashmiri residents.

An international report highlights concerns that the issuance of domicile certificates to non-locals since August 2019 could alter the Muslim-majority status of the region. Opposition leaders, many of whom remain in detention, have condemned the upcoming elections, describing them as a façade to legitimize what they term as “New Delhi’s illegal occupation.”

Critics accuse the BJP-led government of using state machinery to influence the outcome of the elections, while the heavy military presence is seen as a tool to suppress dissenting voices. The situation has sparked debates about the exercise of democratic rights, including freedom of expression and press freedom, in the run-up to the elections.

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